Ever come across cracks in plasterboard ceilings or walls? Whether it is in your own house, a friends or even a commercial tenancy, cracks are an eye sore! Nobody wants them and when it comes to buying or selling a home, it can be a deciding factor as it’s a sign of wear and tear on a home or poor construction.

Many factors can cause cracking in plasterboard:
1. Poor workmanship is one possibility although not being the most common.
2. Weather plays a large part in many cracking circumstances. Uninsulated roof cavities can expand and retract with sweltering summer heat and dropping temperatures.
3. Plasterboard ceilings with a continuous length greater than 12m have a high risk of cracking.
4. New build foundations settle over time applying pressure to different load bearing walls/trusses causing movement and inevitable cracking to the plasterboard.
5. As well as new builds cracking due to settling foundations, old home foundations can unsettle with changing landscapes and weather conditions over the years, once again causing movement and inevitable cracking to the plasterboard.

We implement expansion joint guidelines stated by the QBCC to reach Australian standards along with the use of ‘Trimtex Hideaway Expansion Joints’(pictured) to combat/reduce the risk of cracking throughout your home. With a rubber strip between the setting bead that allows for movement and a tear-away strip that assists during plaster application, the hideaway expansion joint leaves a neat, flat and straight finish that will not stand out like a sore thumb.

Some significant cracking circumstances are unavoidable, however our professionals at Action Plasterers & Renderers have the know-how to fix your cracked plasterboard problems in your existing home, while also possessing the expertise to reduce cracking in your renovation, extension or new home!